3rd-Party Solutions
Capturix VideoSpy
The digital surveillance system is now available for your PC. Capturix VideoSpy is a complete software that combines video surveillance and domotics. Supports any video for windows device (like USB Webcam or TV Tuner card) and network cameras or video servers. With ASPSMS you can receive motion detections directly to your mobile phone.Capturix VideoSpy - The Video Security Software
Capturix SMS service gives you the ability to send short messages to to your mobile phone, you only need to have a internet connection.
With this feature you can receive a message when the power is down (UPS required), receive motion detections directly to your mobile phone and many other features.
With this software you can record all video activity with a programmed schedule, insert data in picture, work as a motion detector, record sound, program alerts to be trigged by events (example: send a SMS when detects a movement) and controling lights, sensors or electronic devices by using a open source ActiveX controls allowing users to create their own devices.
This software also have support for motorized cameras, using a standard joystick you can control all your surveillance cameras (for this feature is also available a open source ActiveX control). A space manager prevents you to get a full hard disk.
Capturix VideoSpy - Special Features:
- Capturix VideoSpy - Special Features
- Motion Detection
- Sound recording
- Image Recording can be trigged by motion detection
- Motion Detection adjustable areas and sensivity
- Image Recording can be trigged by External Hardware or Clock
- Activity Log
- Independent Camera Configuration
- Recording while playing
- Adjustable image resolution
- Adjustable frame rate for each camera
- Adjustable frame Rate for playing
- Adjustable compression quality for each camera
- Camera Pan/Tilt/Zoom/Focus controled by Joystick
- Alarm for camera turn off
- Unlimited Alarms and Notifications
- Archive viewer
- JPEG,BMP,WAV Format Compatible
- Data In Picture for each camera (Text,Date,Time,Status)
- Search by date or events
- User Skin for each camera
- Integrated Network Administration via Web Browser
- Remote Access
- User Levels, Password Protection for permissions unlimited number of users.
- Video Clip Maker (AVI builder for Security Videos)
- World Wide Mobile SMS Service ASPSMS
- Ready for Multiple Processor systems
How to buy Capturix VideoSpy SMS Tools und Interfaces für ASPSMS
Factsheets | |
Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Business Beispiele |
SMS Tools für Endanwender | |
Name | Preis |
SMS Blaster Winlog | gratis |
Microsoft Office Outlook 2013-2016: E-Mail to SMS | gratis |
Microsoft Office Outlook 2010 Mobile Service | gratis |
SMSBLASTER web edition | gratis |
SMSBLASTER Club-Aktion | gratis |
SMS Blaster Windows Edition | gratis |
SMS touch for iPhone and iPod touch | Shareware |
ECO-SMS - Ökologische SMS! | Shareware |
Cybersystems mscrmSMS | siehe Preisliste |
Jabber-Client Chatopus for Palm OS | kleine Gebühr |
delight Software GmbH | siehe Preisliste |
ASPSMS Widget for Mac | gratis |
SMS Scripts und Schnittstellen für Entwickler | |
Name | Preis |
ASPSMS Dot Net Assembly auf NuGet | gratis |
C# Microsoft ASP.NET Identity MVC (for SOAP) | gratis |
Node.js interface for ASPSMS | gratis |
PHP Class for ASPSMS SOAP web service | gratis |
aspsms.dll (Active-X) | gratis |
SOAP Web Service | gratis |
XML-Interface | gratis |
ASPSMS SMTP Interface | gratis |
VBscript Class (ASP) | gratis |
HTTP | gratis |
PHP - Python - C# - Java | gratis |
Jabber to SMS for Server Admins | gratis (open source) |
SMS Blaster Visual Basic Source Code | gratis |
ASPTOKEN | gratis |
Netzwerkabdeckung | |
Weltweit unterstützte Mobilfunknetze |
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A1 Telekom Austria
Hutchison Drei Austria
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